200 North 9th Street Columbia, Mo. 65201

(573) 424-8220



  Sessions are 50 to 60 minutes for a billable hour.  Mediation and  Co-parenting sessions are generally scheduled in two hour blocks.

  Individual therapy $125.00//hour   Family Therapy $125.00/hour   Co-Parenting Sessions $125.00/hour   Voluntary Mediation $150.00/hour   Court Ordered Mediation $400.00 for first two hours
$150.00 per hour thereafter   Supervised Visitations $80.00/hour   Child Custody Evaluations $6,000-$9,000   (retainer fee $4,000.00)   Court appearance fee $150.00/hour
(includes drive time and preparation)   Comprehensive Case Review and Consultation $150.00/hour    

Co-Parenting and Mediation fees are generally split between the two parents unless one party agrees to pay for the entire fee.

It is very important that you pay the agreed upon fee prior to  leaving the office after each session in the form of a cash, credit  card, or check.  If you find it inconvenient to write several checks per  month, it is acceptable to pay for several sessions in advance.  Fees  that are unpaid, or that appear likely to be unpaid, will be discussed  with you individually.  Accounts are considered delinquent after two  sessions are unpaid.  If you are having financial troubles that may  affect your ability to pay for therapy or mediation, please let me know  and we will try to negotiate a payment plan.

Cancellations should be made at least 24 hours in advance unless  there are exigent circumstances.  There will be a charge for a full  office visit if you fail to notify me of the need to cancel, or no show.


I currently do not accept insurance.  However, I will assist you in  providing any documentation needed so that you may receive reimbursement  from you insurance company for services provided.  The insurance  company will typically want to know the dates of service, what services  were provided, and a diagnosis for the client receiving the services.


Due to the complex nature of cases involving disputes over custody,  high conflict, or court involvement, the client/parent will also be  billed for phone calls to attorneys, correspondence to attorneys or the  court, as well as court testimony at my hourly rate.

By statute, in the Mediator role I will not be called upon to testify in any case.
